星期六, 9月 24, 2005



(2) 迪士尼沒有責任?

「工廠對工人不好, 最大的責任是工廠, 不是買家. 美國貿易部對美國的買家向國外工廠購物已有很清楚的指示, 他們不能與不人道的工廠購物, 而美國海關的手上也有不人道工廠的黑名單. 如給海關發現美國的公司購入不人道工廠的貨, 整批貨會被扣查, 不能進口. 那公司也會列入黑名單, 和罰款. 當然有些工廠會做手腳, 但這是題外的事.」


品牌形象,不失為保障勞工的制衡力量,所以包括迪士尼在內的好些跨國大品牌,都先後加入 FLA (Fair Labor Association)SA8000等機制,以示其雙手是潔淨的。





(3) 你情我願、食得鹹魚低得渴?

「如對客人要帶箸笑面等等, 員工們都早已知道公司對他們的需要. 如果他們不能接受這樣的工作環境, 可以離開, look for another job that they like. 樂園是主旨是令每個客人快樂, 如員工面黑黑, 客人們又怎會玩得開心, 快樂. 簡單點說, 你們到 restaurants 吃東西, 那些 waiters 對箸你們沒有半點笑容, 你們也不會喜歡, 也會投訴他們很 rude. 其實很多 different business organizations, specially service orientation, including banks 都有要 front line staff 面帶笑容對客戶. 沒有什麼無理的存在. 關於4 個小時才能休息15 minutes, 員工可以與公司商談改進. 大部份在百貨公司工作的員工都有同樣的情形出現. 在 restaurants 工作的員工, 除了整天要站之外, 連吃飯的時間也沒有.」





也忘了何時始,超市的收銀員,要說「你好」,但往往,那是說給空氣或飛過的蚊聽的;我作過觀察,十個九個香港人,都不會回禮;既是失卻對象的溝通,久而久之,當然只成純粹形式的存在,收銀員可以望著檸檬講、望著薯片講,都沒所謂,但最緊要─有講,因為this is the rule!

發乎真情的笑容,當然可愛。但為什麼,要把笑容變成消費的必然附庸?難道是為了maximize consumption,咁先至抵得返晒?


(4) 陰澳變欣澳,大家應欣然接受?

「對於陰澳改名為欣澳, 很多人都覺得改得很好, 因為欣字代表歡欣. 欣澳的名字比陰澳好, 而且兩個音都很近. 在指罵政府之前是否已有人弄清楚政府改地方名是要先得到 public approval 才成 或是他們有權這樣做. 政府把吊頸嶺改了為調景嶺, 為何沒有人說他們不對.」




(5) 一小撮人的投訴不算投訴?

「不要為了一小部份的投訴便說廸士尼對全部的員工不好, 無理. 讓事情發展 tell us the truth!」



留言者問︰「為何每件事情都要針對廸士尼? Disney 在香港的經驗還是淺, 高層對中國或香港的文化還是沒有很深的認識, 暫時源用他們一向的手法來管理. 給他們多一些時間熟習香港人的需要, 環境, 他們一定能改善各問題的.」




想多一點,這其實並非源於階級意識的盲點,而是對social mobility的迷信︰終需有日龍穿鳳,他日我將必然坐擁的城堡,豈容你們今天來拆毀磚頭﹗?




另,沒想過目前能抗衡「樂園霸權文化」的,竟是自由行同胞,雖然所產生的cultural resistance,並非出於自覺。迪士尼可以嚴格規限,不準你帶水帶食物等進場,但各位觀眾身上的文化,他卻沒辦法剝下來、扣留於外。撇開媒體的過份渲染,同胞們不按規定抽煙、脫鞋鬆腳、哪兒累了哪兒蹲下,揮灑自如,把樂園反客為主,白雪公主要保持矜持,延續夢幻,倒有了難度。







Disney - the land of dreams...of course it comes at a price (1)



At 10:17 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

他們的解釋, 官也好, 所謂的 pro-disney, 仍然令我想起那篇"中國人, 你為什麼不生氣?". 更可悲的, 是這班"不生氣的"向生氣的人生氣...

說 "所謂的 pro-disney", 因為我不覺得他們真心 pro-disney. 他們跟子女排兩個多小時去玩幾分鐘的機動遊戲, 半個多小時去洗手間, 個多小時吃貴夾唔飽的午飯.... 之後, 還會為迪士尼抬轎嗎?


吊頸嶺->調景嶺... google之下發現, 絕對跟外來文化無關 - 吊頸嶺跟那裡一位麵粉廠東主自盡的故事有關; 而調景嶺則由一班被調遷往當地的難民提出的.


At 10:50 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...






At 1:35 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Sorry, I'm a little late on this topic.

Like everyone has said before, there's no black and white on any issues. And about ahsun's comment about "on the disney issue, there is right and wrong", I absolutely do not agree with it. So, below is my own opinion. I don't think I'm 100% right, some people might even think I'm 100% wrong, but it is my side of the story.

Why are people so hesitated when it comes to go against the idea of Disney? Because we grew up with this stuff. How many people has had wonderful childhood memories because of Disney? Because of their movies, their TV shows, their parks, their products. My first book in English ever was "Peter Pan and Wendy", published by Walt Disney Publishing. So am I grateful that this company brought me so much good memories? Absolutely. So don't tell me there is no good in the company at all. Cuz I know there is good in the company. However, the grey area lies in whether we think the good outweighs the bad, or the other way around.

From your article:
1. >>工傷、克扣工資、剝削勞工等情況嚴重
Actually(sorry if I'm wrong), does this have more to do with the laws of the country rather than the company itself? Does the law of China insure workers to get disability and money when they're injured on the job? Does it have a minimum wage system? etc, etc.

If Disney is obeying by the law of the country, I don't see what's wrong with it. I think the problem is that the government should do more to ensure its own people.

Like in America, I know a Disney employee who got Carpal Tunnel from typing on the computer. The Disney HR department was so concerned that they sent her to a specialist right away, paid for all expenses, and let her take disability leave to stay at home for a long period of time. I think it's because in America, the law requires the company to do so. But in China, it does not. Does that mean it's morally right for Disney to take advantage of that? No. But is it lawful? Yes. That's what I mean by there's no absolute right and wrong.

2. About the 製造商、工廠issue, I don't know anything about it. So cannot comment... (gotta do more reading first! :))

3. >>你情我願、食得鹹魚低得渴?
Actually, your statement "從何時始,我們購買服務,連員工的笑容(情緒)也成為必然的一部份?" is true, but in this case, it's false. You see, all employees of the Disney company are called "Cast Members", which means they're all part of a big entertainment production. They're "actors" and "actresses" of the show. They are to put on a smile and happy face everyday, because that's what the show is about. Just like with any entertainers who perfom on a stage, they are expected to put on a smiling face.

4. 陰澳變欣澳 <= I have no opinion on this either.. heheh. I guess I don't care if the name is changed or not. I understand why some of you are very upset about this though.

5. >>一小撮人的投訴不算投訴?
I don't believe that either. Of course everyone's opinion matters. That's why I wrote the above, to let people know that thinks differently than you do.

One last thing, this was from your first post on disney:

為什麼會有家長認為迪士尼是「一個這麼好的樂園」?請問好在哪裏?為什麼要把孩子的夢植根在迪士尼?為什麼迪士尼會成為香港孩子難得的樂園?帶孩子去郊野行山,認識一下大自然,就不能有happy dreams嗎?"

I was very sorry when I read this too. I just feel like you have a very set mind about Disney, that it has absolutely no good in it. While in my eyes, it has both good and bad. I'm not saying that the good outweighs the bad, but don't deny everything that's good about it either.

At 1:12 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

first time reader,我想你提出第一個論點的邏輯,就是「因為內地沒有嚴僅立例和執行法律,所以發生諸如工傷、克扣工資、剝削勞工等情況也沒問題」。



At 1:37 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

靖然 ≒ 華利﹐


If there is such a place in the world, would you want to live there? And you're saying the government has no responsibilities in this at all?

The law has been set up for a reason. That's why we have governments. Because as Machiavelli would say, all people are evil, right? :P So, I would blame the government mostly and foremost before anybody else. However, I am not saying the company doesn't have to take responsibility either, but you made it sound like it's the sole "person" who's at fault here.

That is the grey area I was trying to say.

>> 請想清楚才回應。
Actually, I have thought it through. Thank you very much.

Like I said before, I didn't say there's no faults with Disney. but you guys are saying there's absolute no good in the company, like all those happy memories that the company gave to millions of children all over the world did not exist at all.

At 6:40 下午, Blogger 熊一豆 said...

我想first time reader的重點,是質疑本人為何不提迪士尼之好,而只唱其衰。





若你知道迪士尼是香港政府動用超過二百億(但教育、社福等環節卻一再削資)買來的不平等條約、要賠上香港的環境 (包括水與空氣污染)而建成,卻仍然可以樂也融融地暢遊香港迪士尼,那是你的選擇。

(只一點註腳,舞台上的演員,不是朝九晚五,全年演戲,而且是在台上演,不是做true man show。)




At 10:51 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Dear 熊一豆,

actually, it's not that you(i mean anti-disney people) don't "talk" about the good of Disney, what bothers me the most is that you don't "think" there is anything good about the company AT ALL. 100%. It just seems a little bit too extreme for me.

For me, I acknowledge the fact that there are good and bad. But for you, there is only the bad. Disney is a huge corporation with probably hundreds of departments, not every department is like that. Not every department will explore labor. There are some writers in the Disney Animation department who have worked for the company for 10+ years, everyday all they think about is how to come up with a story that children will like. Are they evil? Anyways, that is what bothered me.

And yes, people will probably still choose to go to Disneyland and use Disney products even after they know all the facts. It is sad but true. Just like how people still flock to McDonald's everyday knowing how they treat cows and how they exploit their workers. Just like how people still love to buy Nike shoes knowing how the shoes were made in sweat shops. Just like how people still eat all sorts of meat everyday, knowing how the animals are getting slaughtered.

I do admire how you guys speak up, to voice what the company has done wrong, but I guess we'll never see eye to eye, because I see this whole situation as a glass half-full, while you see this as a glass half-empty. :P Oh well.... at least we both voiced our opinions, that's the great thing about free will, right?

btw, great blog you have here. :)

At 9:53 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

but you made it sound like it's the sole "person" who's at fault here.

first time reader,我也明白,政府也有責任,但就算如你指出了政府的問題,也改變不了迪士尼沒有負上企業道德責任的事實(無論她製造了多少歡樂給兒童)。

what bothers me the most is that you don't "think" there is anything good about the company AT ALL




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